
Hi I’m Dalton, a photography hobbyist and Leica enthusiast born and raised in the little red dot Singapore. Armed with my camera and lens I hope to create content that captures your eyes and evokes your thoughts.

Why “The Photo Mechanic”?

So how did “The Photo Mechanic” name come to be? While photography is something I really enjoy, it isn’t my profession. Having graduated with a B.Eng in Mechanical Engineering from NTU, I entered the work force as an engineer. Hence combining my passion for engineering and photography, “The Photo Mechanic” came to existence.

What camera do I shoot?

While I’m a Leica enthusiast (specifically Leica M), I do not solely shoot with a Leica. Having shot with various brands, I have found that the Leica rangefinder to be one that engages me as a photographer. It is an experience like no other. However I’ve found that this isn’t a common consensus. You either love it or hate.

What do I shoot?

I generally like to shoot street photography. Capturing passing moments in time never to be recreated ever again. There is just something magical about it. I’ve also recently picked up interest in portrait and fashion photography. Still an amateur but hoping to grow more as a photographer.